Introducing Cynical Intel

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When I ditched Twitter a few years ago, I found it had gotten less convenient staying up to date on everything going on in the world of Cyber Security. I had that finely tuned feed of trusted sources I could rely upon, and occasionally “the algorithm” would bring new sources into my circle.

I still get that on Mastodon to a certain extent (minus any algorithms), but there’s still a lot of noise to filter through. To make up for it, I am running an experiment where I attempt to curate news, research, and other information sources from the internet into a centralized spot. To facilitate this, I found FreshRSS which can act as a public RSS client. This is not a new concept, but I like hosting things myself and having more control.

As of writing, this has been online 5 days, but we’ve got over 100 sources and over 2,000 articles archived.

I have the sources broken up into loose categories. If you just want to see content from a specific source or category, simply click on that source or category to just view that.

The “Normal Feed” hamburger menu view is a firehose of nearly all the sources and categories. I have some sources excluded from this view because they’re either more spammy or the content tends to mix in marketing fluff between actual content.

Please note

  • I will be adding new feeds only on weekends. The way FreshRSS works right now, when a new source is added, content from that source is immediately added to the top of the feed rather than when the content from the source was published. This can make it difficult to see current information, therefore I will only cause this mess on the weekends to reduce impact.
  • The content is provided by third-party RSS feeds. I am not responsible for any questionable content.
  • If I find certain sources to be more marketing content than informational content, I will either remove it from the “Normal Feed” view or remove the source entirely, depending on how egregious it is.
  • The plan is to store 2 years of content from each source will be stored, started with the date which the source is added. Because FreshRSS supports text search, this can be helpful to find content related to certain CVEs or products by searching for it. (Not all sources provide full article content via RSS).
  • That being said… this is a personal side-project, this isn’t meant to be relied upon as it could go down without notice, and I have no obligation to maintain a level of service with it.

Have any good sources I am missing? Are any of the sources useless? Please use any of the contact methods at the top of this page to reach out!